Saturday, October 10, 2009

Playing at the park!

Heres my son.. He looks like a homeless person sleeping on a bench!!
Me and jackie going down the slide!
Little jackie wondering how to get up there were the girls are!!
Jackie going down the slide
Jackie trying to go back up the slide!!! :-)
Here are some monkeys on the bars!!!

Pumpkin painting!!!! 2009

Heres amber Painting her pumpkin It look Awsome..
Here is ally and her kitty face.. We can call her ally cat now..hehe
Heres the to twins.. these girl have become so close they are like sisters.. I dont know what they will ever do with out eachother..
Here they are apinting there pumpkins!!
Heres Austin painting.. he loved it.. and really didnt make much of a mess!
Savannahs started off decoritive.. then ended up black...
And so did mckealas

The Crazy corn maze!!!

I cant believe its october already... well here we are at the corn maze with amber ally tawny and venessa!! OH and ME of corse and my monkeys!! Hey this is me here in this picture with ally!! Damn we are soo cute!
Heres part of the gang..
Oh and theres the other part..
We were almost done here at post 8... but sure enough we got lost AGAIN!!
Heres my BFFF tawny and her mirical baby girl nessa!
Heres amber at the front or the class... lol reading the next question on the scavanger hunt map!
heres tawny ,nessa, ally and jackson...
OKAY.. this picture was so funny... The only person in this WORLD that austin is afaid of is amber.. I dont know why but she yeld at him for hitting people with the corn stalks and he started freaken out... So she put up her fist and staid " why I otta".. and he covered his face... lol It was the funniest thing ever.. I almost wet my self!!
Heres savannah... And her SHAKA.. thats how her dady know shes thinking of him....

Wheeler farm!

Here w e are again at wheeler farm.. This Is jackie climbing up the hill!
Savannah, mckaela and austin in the creek...It was so hot i let them play in the water!
Those girls are way to funy for there own goood!
Savannah on the tracktor!

HAHAHA.. that goat was trying to eat her shirt... It was so funny
Mckaela on the pony ride!
Savannah on the pony ride!
Shes a natural cowgirl!!
And so is mckeala she jumped up on the pony like she had been doing it for years!!

TALK ABOUT A FUNKY CHICKEN.. this one had a frow!!
Heres savannah looking at the cows!
Austin feeding the ducks!!
Heres jackie.. he let them come right up to him and eat out of his hand!
GOD she is soooo Pretty!!!

He was loving it!