We has a great time carving pumpkins with our best friends...

Here is amberlee..

Our three GREAT looking pumpkins..

UMM .. Savannah and her pumpkin.. SHE is too funny!!

Ha ha ha.. MY pumpkin... DONT ASK!!

Here is tawny and her daughter venessa!! They had a great time, but venessa DID NOT want that gewwy stuff on her hands...lol

venessa coloring.. on the news paper :-)

HE HE My pumpkin ROCKS!!

Tawny almost cut off her arm... TAWNY PUT THE KNIFE DOWN!!! lol

ME and venessa still carving.. Were did every one go??

GEES amber you get so violent... Dont hurt the pumpkin... back away slowly...


She did such a good job carving those pumpkins...

SHe dugg all the pumpkins out.. What a tough girl..

Notice how I have the small pumpkin and savannah has the BIG ONE!!!!