We went to see santa with Ally, amber and mckeala

Here are my kids NOT paying attention!!!

Christmas eve Its tradition to open one present, Well that night we were on the web cam with daddy lee and auntie mibi, so we let the kids open there presents from them so they could see.. They each got a pair of matching PJ's with there name embroidered on them.. It was so fun and and i was so glad that daddy lee and auntie Mibi got to watch!!!

Before the attack of the children that were all nestled in there beds.......

and Then......

YAY.. Savannah got her vanity she wanted soooo much

She IS OUR little princess....

Jackie opening presents..

Austin got a BIG semi truck full of race cars... He was in heaven!!!

Savannah got my little ponys.. With beeds and bows to do there hair

Austin got coloring books....

Jackie got a track ho...

This is at grannys house the kids were sleding down the hill....

AND THEN OUT OF THE HEAVENS an angel appeared.... WOW isnt she beautifull~!!!!!

Here is Zack jorden and austin sliding down the hill!

Here is Zack after he bift it lol....dork

Here is jordy and austin .. they were out there the longest... What champs.. By the time they came in austins pants were icicles and his tush was bright red!!