Dear Nanna "Amy ",
If I had the chance to say one more thing to you, it would be "thank you" for being such a wonderful Grandma! I couldn't bring myself to speak at your funeral and you know why! One, I didn't want to believe that you are not here anymore, But I know now that you will always be with me. Two, I would have just cried and you know I have horrible stage fright, but Amy asked me to sing with her. I kept telling her no because there was no way I could sing at a time like this...BUT then she said.."Granny would love it"! Well then I just coulnt say no, so after lots of rearranging the song and fixing the highs and lows, and losing my voice for two days, I think it turned out rather well. I could feel you there the whole time holding my hand and keeping me from passing out! ;-)
I've learned so many things from you! One is that you should never judge people. You never did, No matter who did what or what said who, you were always on both sides and acted as a buffer. You always saw both sides to everything, Alot of people dont do that, But I will. Another is that you do everything out of love and expect nothing in return. Your aura just poured out all over everone and made them want to be more like you, so loving and humble. Most importantly you taught me to be strong and to do what I believe is best and to never do anything just to please others if its something i feel is wrong!
You raised 4 children, by your self. You have so many strengths and I'm so proud to be your grandchild and still have so much love just pouring out for you...I think about you so much and am constantly reminded of the funny things you would say and the stories you would tell. I will always cherish the secrets that you would tell me and never to tell anyone else:-)
It's been a little over a month and I still cry randomly, while getting a pedicure or driving down the street. Sometimes I just wish I could call you on the phone to tell you how much I miss you. I haven't cancelled your phone yet because I like to call and hear your voice on the answering machine. I know it's silly but it makes me smile, like when I see lilies or a beautiful sunset or watch people jitterbug...I always think of you! I could go on for ever, and it may take that long to express to you what a significant role you played in my life and how much you have taught me!!! But I'll stop now and just say that I love you for all eternity. Sara Callery
Posted by sara callery
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